Hedge Funds
Personally invested in your portfolio’s success.
There are people behind those portfolios. We don’t take that lightly. Together, we’ll navigate the uncertain waters of starting and managing a hedge fund. Guidance every step of the way.

Experience you can actually access.
Other firms tout experience as a firm only to stick you with green staff. With us, you’ll get partner oversight and guidance along with a flexible fee structure. Big-firm expertise with personalized attention.
Do away with distractions.
Let us focus on the everchanging laws and regulations from the IRS and the SEC. When you’re always confident in your compliance, you can focus on what you do best: managing your portfolios.
Time is money, and we’re timely.
We have documentation ready to roll when you need it. That’s how we’re always prepared to discuss valuation issues and quickly provide necessary information.
Annual accounting and everything between.
Your financials don’t stop and start with audits and tax returns. We’ll guide you through year-round nitty-gritty like selecting service providers, filing with the SEC, and even setting up your accounting system.